This afternoon I had the great pleasure to attend a seminar put on by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) in relation to ‘Pride 2022’.

It is great to know how inspirational the speakers were, how the RICS is getting involved with diversity, equality and inclusion and how the profession as a whole wants to represent the population much better. It has also been great this year seeing the RICS Rules of Conduct change to encompass diversity and inclusion further.

As someone who feels strongly about being an ‘ally to everyone’, it was really good to see the wider surveying community take a strong step forward to ensuring everyone is doing the same. There are obviously more steps to take and challenges to overcome, but this was a great seminar and one I was proud to attend.

West Country Surveyors is, and always has been, open to everyone from all walks, paths and destinations in life.

I hope you like the multicoloured lego people image for this post, it is one of my favourites!