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Bats in England: The Protected Winged Wonders

bats in surveys

Bats in pre purchase surveys

England’s twilight hours are not just for stars; they belong to a more elusive set of creatures—the enchanting bats. These nocturnal wonders play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance, but did you know they are also a protected species? At West Country Surveyors, we’re here to shed light on how this impacts potential property buyers, ensuring a harmonious coexistence between homeowners and our winged friends.

Understanding Bat Conservation Laws

**1. ** Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981:

**2. ** Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017:

The Impact on Residential Property

For potential property buyers, understanding the presence of bats on or near a property is crucial. Here’s how West Country Surveyors can assist:

**1. ** Pre-Purchase Surveys:

**2. ** Mitigation Advice:

**3. ** Planning Permission Assistance:

Advice for Property Buyers

**1. ** Early Awareness is Key:

**2. ** Consult with Experts:

**3. ** Mitigation Doesn’t Mean Complication:

Contact West Country Surveyors for Bat-Savvy pre-purchase Surveys

At West Country Surveyors, we’re not just about bricks and mortar; we’re about creating homes that coexist harmoniously with nature. Contact us for ‘bat-savvy surveys’ and expert advice on navigating the protected species landscape. Let’s build not just houses, but habitats that respect and celebrate the winged wonders of England’s night skies.

Contact us on 01823 429823 or

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